Gu Lab 
Imaging science lab

About us

Research Interests:

The Gu Lab aims to achieve the greatest possible spatial resolution and sensitivity of PET imaging, by developing fundamental and innovative technologies to enhance key parameters such as time-of-flight (TOF), depth-of-interaction (DOI), spatial resolution and detector scatter. With multiple core detector technologies developed as the foundation, three categories of PET prototype systems are being developed: preclinical (small animal), human brain-dedicated, and human organ-targeted instruments, with the goal of providing technology leading imaging tools for biomedical and clinical applications.


顾峥课题组致力于突破现有 PET 成像技术在空间分辨率、灵敏度等方面的极限,研发基础创新技术提升飞行时间(TOF)、作用深度(DOI)、空间分辨率等 PET 成像中的关键参数。基于所研发的探测器核心技术,正在研制三类 PET 原理样机:临床前(小动物)、人脑专用、以及人体器官专用 PET 仪器,目标为生物医学和临床应用提供更先进的分子影像工具。